Sports news Big relief to the players, now they will be able to give exams later

Sports news The board has given a big relief to the players preparing for the 10th and 12th examinations in CBSE. Under this, if the students are participating in national or international sports or are appearing in any International Olympiad affiliated to the Homi Bhabha Center for Science Education, then the board can appear for the examination at a later stage.
But after the thrilling four-wicket win, he told the media, “The atmosphere of the team is so good that we don’t let outside things affect us. We enjoy each other’s company, stand by each other in bad times.
The central government has taken many important decisions to give importance to sports, including giving relief to the students appearing for the 10th and 12th examinations.
The period of physical education has been made mandatory so that the health of the children can be improved. Some concessions have also been given to give importance to sports.