Deepti Naval came at Kanpur in Merchants Chamber  on 29th November 2022.
Deepti Naval: A country called childhood

Deepti naval, always desired to become an actor, from stuttering workshops at home with her sister to studying at Hunter college for better future. She chose writing because she wanted to tell the world more than what was being potrayed about her by acting.


This book by Deepti Naval doesn’t contain things like “JAB HUM CHOTE THEE TAB YEH THA”. The book has historical, political, and educational, all these facts. This book doesn’t only contains facts and memories of hers alone, but the memories of her father, mother, grandparents, other family members, friends, neighbour’s, etc. It took her a whole of 21 years to write this book.


Deepti naval called her mother as the beauty queen of Bengal. She called her father piti as in papa, while writing the book she had a fun recollection of her childhood memories. She got her writing skills and talent from her father only, he himself was a short story writer. Her father has always supported her. While her mother was not only a home maker but she was also fond of music, dance, drama. Apart from that she was an art enthusiast and also a singer. Deepti Naval tells us that her mother knew an art of how to tell stories. During the partition her mother took one thing that was important to her, a gramophone that’s how the story LITTLE WOMEN IN THE GRAMOPHONE came out.


At the age of 9 little Deepti knew she just had to connect with people, not by talking but connecting them through the movies. She thought that inside the television is the real life, she saw people around her cry and laugh. Every emotion that was being portrayed in the movie she saw the same emotion displayed on the face of the people around her. Deepti thought that acting was something that came from within, not something that can be taught.

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